Growing up in the Garden State of New Jersey, Linda Gravatt began working with her mother in the garden at a young age. Towing a little red wagon full of gorgeous tomatoes and plump strawberries, Linda reminisces of her time selling garden produce in the neighborhood, and her first job working on a corn farm during the summer of 8th grade.

Many years later, in 1995, Linda moved to Maka’alae with her husband Frank and daughters Lily and Iris. The first thing they did was clear land to plant their garden and fruit trees, which still remain after 26 years.
After 30 years as a teacher and counselor at Hāna School, Linda recently retired and began thinking of all the things she could do with her home. She started a pre-school, began planting and spending more time in her garden, and assisted students with scholarship letters and essays. The name, ‘Wellspring,’ came to her while sleeping. She always felt her home had a wellspring to offer.
Back before Wellspring, she learned all about double-digging, composting, canning, baking, tempeh and cooking from scratch while living in Northern California. That’s were she met her husband of 42 years while eating at a natural foods restaurant. They moved to Maui in 1985, and spent a decade in Haou where they expanded their knowledge of Hawaiian crops, and how to harvest bananas, from Uncle Blondy.
“Gardening has always been my thing. I don’t have any machines, so it’s all done with a pick, shovel, and the occasional wild pig rototiller. Working the land feels good, looks good, and (with hard work) tastes good as well! I love to eat, so might as well have a garden! Eating local, organic, healthy foods is the way to go.” ~Linda Gravatt
A lover of farmers markets, Linda and her ‘ohana have visited markets all over the world. So naturally, Linda jumped at the opportunity to tend her garden with even more care. She began harvesting everything she could grow for the Wellspring booth at the Hāna Farmers Market.
Throughout the seasons, the Wellspring booth often has bananas, avocados, tangerines, oranges, figs, papaya, mountain apples, and jabodacaba. Linda also enjoys growing herbs, spinach, pumpkins, greens, cherry tomatoes, okra, banana peppers and so much more! Weekly, you’ll find her booth full of clover sprouts, fresh pesto and home-made hummus.
When Linda isn’t farming or at market, she is a trained pianist learning to play the blues! Mahalo Linda for sharing your story and one of your favorite quotes.
“The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the bird for mirth, one is nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.” by Dorothy Frances Gurney.

Wellspring’s Garden to Linda’s Table
Linda enjoys making fresh quiche for breakfast using lots of ingredients available at the farmers market!
Check out her easy recipe and make sure to stop by these booths for your ingredients!
Where to find Quiche Ingredients at the Market?
Farm Fresh Eggs – Lind ‘Ohana Farm & Fishing, The Nest, Naked Cow Dairy
Perpetual Spinach – Wellspring
Seasonal Hard Cheese – Naked Cow Dairy & Creamery
Other veggies – The Nest, Steve & Kemei’s Farm, and Kumu ‘Aina Permaculture
Leeks and onions – Okoa Farms (available in the online marketplace)

Farm to Table Quiche
Pie Crust
1 cup grated cheese of your choice
2 cups perpetual spinach
Olive oil
3-5 eggs
2 cups milk or cream
Salt & Pepper
Prepare with desired crust. Line a pie plate with a dough layer and add cheese directly on top.
Saute 2 cups cooked perpetual spinach and/or swiss chard in olive oil (you can also steam). Add onion, leek, broccoli and/or parsley for added flavors. When cooked, drain liquid and add on top of the cheese layer.
Using a blender, combine 3-5 eggs, 2 cups milk or cream, and salt/pepper. You can add other spices like tarragon for a flavor boost!
After blending, pour egg mixture over veggies and bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes.
Allow to cool and enjoy!
Quiche Photo is Pending